Fitness: Training, Nutrition, Mindset. You Need All Three!


Stretch, Relax, Energize


Home, Gym, Anywhere can be a fitness center.


Get the Body You Want, and Keep It!


Fit Girl Guide Podcast

Sharing advice, tips and experiences in training, nutrition and motivation since 2007. Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and all major podcast carriers.

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YouTube Channel

@FitnessMakeover is Spreading the truth about fitness and what really works for weight loss from over 40 years of experience in the fitness industry. From athletes to elderly, Kira has trained them all and improved their lives! The YouTube channel FitnessMakeover is all about separating fact from fiction in fitness!

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28-Day FitnessMakeover and the original 12-Week FitnessMakeover Programs have helped countless people get in shape, learn how to eat healthy and maintain results! You'll see before and after results on the FitnessMakeover YouTube Channel and our websites.

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28-Day FitnessMakeover

Get on the the fast track to your best body in just 28-days! Learn what workouts work, how to use food to boost your metabolism and how to create the mindset that keeps you on track to your goals!

Work With Me

One on One Coaching available. Group programs and upcoming Webinars. Be sure to get on my email list for first notice and special live streams!


Some exercises are better than others! There's plenty I see people doing in the gym that are completely useless and sometimes harmful!

Nutrition is Key

Proper nutrition is fueling your body for changing its composition. Without the right combinations of nutrients you won't see any results!

It All Starts Here

Mindset is the crucial, forgotten component of success. When I work with clients, we begin to change faulty and harmful beliefs and thoughts, turning self-sabotage into self-support.

Have Fitness Questions?

Send them to me and I will answer them on the Podcast or YouTube Channel.